Like a child waiting by the letterbox for the comic book ordered x-ray specs to arrive – Sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality.

Originally posted on hrtechgirl:
Are you at the crossroads in your career or education wondering whether to consider Human Resources (commonly referred to as HR) as your first or next career? Have you wondered what working in or studying HR would be like in this and next generation? In this three part series, you will…

After weeks of waiting, I found that the strange men in hanging around a chorus van had managed something more than giving something my dog to bark at (besides the mail man).

UFB (Ultra-Fast Broadband) had finally arrived. All I needed was a plan to take advantage of it.

HR teams should spend more time on…leading by example and less time writing another pointless policy.
Today I share a few facepalm moments in the creation of HR policy and process I have encountered. Share yours.

Why are HRIS Staff (Human Resources Information Systems) Important? Some navel gazing as to where this business function sits and what use I actually am.

I let my inner Zealot out when talking about Open Source:

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton

Mr Lazy

Why your recruiting is just plain…….. LAZY. Troy Hammond hits a nail on the head in the above article (and includes great illustrations that puts my usual Google Image search to shame.) Post and Pray is dead horse that continues to be flogged. It would seem that this is mostly for a combination of reasons: […]

Every erroneous key-press or mouse-click that your staff or customers perform makes each process that little bit longer, that little bit more complex and that little bit more open to errors. On the flip of this however, every bit of information not captured is a gap in knowledge. (Much like every word added to this sentence makes it more and more difficult to understand…)

One of the many hurdles persuading the less enlightened and “risk adverse” is seeking to provide a better candidate experience by replacing physical ink with an eSignature on Employment Agreements and other forms. Here we put this to rest.

You know you need to have a mobile career site, but have you considered this?